Yrittäjänainen -lehti 1-2024
29/10/202429.10.2024 Yrittäjänainen Magazine is the journal of the Finnish Female Entrepreneurs Association. The latest issue features a story about...
Italian Healthware Group creates a new hub in the Nordics by the acquisition of Make Helsinki
22/02/202122.2.2021 Healthware Group strengthens its geographical coverage with the creation of a hub in Helsinki dedicated to the Nordics...
OP Media talking about us
18/09/2019Read the article at https://op.media/yrityselama/yrittajyys/milanossa-menestyva-konsultti-jenni-makipaa:-suomalaisuus-on-buumi-italiassa-9784a95ed1df42ea8a22d8cb124e419c