What is happening in the Italian nutraceutical market?

What is happening in the Italian nutraceutical market?


Italy is the biggest nutraceutical market in Europe with 29% of the total market value. According to FederSalus the market size is today around 3,7 billion euros. The two Italian industry associations of the food supplement sector, FederSalus and Integratori Italia, have decided to merge their activities in one national association under Unione Italiana Food, which is part of the Confindustria system. FederSalus brings to the new association 240 companies and Integratori Italia ca. 40 companies. Germano Scarpa, the President of FederSalus comments: “This is a strategic move to reunite the forces in order to foster the sector in the European context”.

Source: Aboutpharma 02.01.2022