Italian healthcare system in transition

Italian healthcare system in transition


Supported by the Italian Recovery and Recilience funds, the national plan is to seize the opportunity to make a major reform in the Italian health care system. The Italian regional approach to health care makes the health care provision very fragmented with several different ways of operating. The plan is to create new national patient information system called Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico (FSE) and a national telemededicine platform. As Italian health care has been very regionally fragmented for a long time, creating a central system for the whole nation gives a strong feeling of a new era!

Besides the digital health, also the upgrade of other hospital technologies and sustainable hospital solutions are on the agenda. All these areas offer interesting opportunities. Especially telemedicine solutions are on the top of the investment priorities, including teleconsultation, telerehabilitation and telemonitoring solutions. However, being a foreign small suplier is not an easy option. Instead, we recommend the companies to partner with Italian players with aggregator roles. In my opinion this is the most efficient way to get involved in the big health care projects.

Life Science sector has been selected as focus sector in 2022 by Team Finland in Italy. A new business opportunity has been published at about Italian healthcare system in transition.