Buyers Event a Helsinki il 14 settembre 2017
05/04/20175.4.2017 La Camera di commercio italo-finlandese ha deciso di organizzare una giornata di trading in Finlandia per le società italiane...
Sapori finlandesi a Milano 23-26 marzo
22/03/201722.3.2017 Be Nordic, l’evento di lifestyle nordico inizia domani a Milano! Ormai è diventato un appuntamento annuale per tutti gli...
Helsinki Dry Gin arriving in Italy
09/02/20179.2.2017 Il San Pietro is a famous 5L star hotel at the breath-taking position in Positano with a marvellous...
Finnish health technology company Naava is opening its first foreign production facility in the US
06/02/20176.2.2017 Especially in the big cities air pollution is a serious problem. Also Milan surrounded by vaste industrial territory...
New funding for internationalisation by Tekes
23/01/201723.1.2017 Tekes funding service nominated Team Finland Explorer was launched in the beginning of January 2017 and it is designed for...
Finnica Consulting celebrating 1 year!
09/01/20172.1.2017 Finnica Consulting is celebrating its first year of activity. The year 2016 has been closed successfully with a...
What is Happening in the Italian Elderly Care Sector?
20/12/201620.12.2016 Italy is the European country with most elderly people. This demography combined with the market development towards structured...
Nordic Corner arriving in Milan
24/11/201624.11.2016 After a successful Food from Finland participation at the Salone del Gusto Terra Madre in Turin last September...
Elderly care Forum in Bologna
07/11/20167.11.2016 A major elderly and social care sector event in Italy will be held next week in Bologna: Forum...